Prepared for
Dr. Halimah Hassan, Director
Perpustakaan Komuniti Cheras
Jalan Loke Yew
48200 Cheras Kuala Lumpur
Mr. Fauzi Muhammad
Perpustakaan Komuniti Cheras
With the proliferation of high-tech media, some
people hold that the libraries would be rendered obsolete if they do not offer
digital copies, software, videos or DVDs to their users while other assert it’s
only a waste of limited resources and the libraries should offer books only.
High-tech media is, in many ways, indeed superior
to the books in terms of entertainment, attraction, and functionality. For
instance, e-books and e-journals function as a visual means to assist people to
have a first-hand experience even though those people have not physically
visited or seen the objects which are introduced in the books. Also, despite
the audio-visual equipment would be prohibitive to install, the capital cost would
be lowered by appealing to a sizable number of users.
However, to turn the library into a digital
library rather than something to be encouraged. Moreover, if the library has
limited resources in terms of finance and human resources. Also it should be noted
that digital materials such as e-books and e-journals also require its IT
literate and understand how to use and the risk of use.
This report was written to provide a true picture
of the importance of the library to retain their traditional concept of
maintaining physical books versus digital. The report was written to provide
knowledge about the problems that may be encountered if the library chooses
digital material as the main ingredient of their premises. In addition, the
costs involved will be shown also in the report to strengthen the proposal to
retain the traditional concept of a library.
At the end pages of this report will also include
recommendations for appropriate improvements proposed to the library to
maintain their concept of the use of physical versus digital.
Many predict that the digital age will wipe public
bookshelves clean, and permanently end the centuries-old era of libraries. Nevertheless,
this fact can be said to be unfounded. Many reasons why physical book is still
the choice of readers in the library.
Of course digital libraries are more convenient
and cost-efficient – with the majority of world’s population connected to the
Internet it is theoretically possible to create a single repository of all the
books the humanity has ever generated so that anybody can access any of them at
any time.
However, so far this image remains a bit utopian.
The library system, which allows readers take a book for a period of time,
doesn’t work well with digital texts. Digital book is not the same as a
physical book – it cannot copy the latter without great expense of time and
money, while copying the former takes less than a second. There are no
limitations as to how many people can use a digital copy of the book. This
means that traditional model, in which a writer writes, a publisher publishes
and a reader buys and reads doesn’t apply well here. Hence all the problems
with digital copyright, prosecution of those who share books and other digital
items via the Internet and so on.
This is also supported by a number of reasons
which are listed below;
2.1 Not
Everything is Available on the Internet
The amazing amount of useful information
on the web has, for some, engendered the false assumption everything can be
found online. It's simply not true.
Google Books recognizes this. That's why
they take on the monolith task of digitizing millions of books from the world's
largest libraries. But even if Google does successfully digitize the sum of
human knowledge, it is unlikely that the sum of contemporary authors and
publishers will not allow their works to be freely accessible over the
internet. It is already prohibited by law to make copyrighted books fully
accessible through Google Book search.
2.2 Digital Libraries are not
the Internet
A fundamental understanding of what the
internet is and isn't can help clearly define the role of a library, and why
libraries are still extremely important. Online library collections, however,
are different. They typically include materials that have been published via
rigorous editorial processes and are riddled with quantitative anaysis, instead
of opinion.Types of materials include books, journals, documents, newspapers,
magazines and reports which are digitized, stored and indexed through a
limited-access database.
While one might use the internet or a
search engine to find these databases, deeper access to them requires
registration. You are still online, but you are no longer on the internet. You
are in a library.
2.3 The Internet isn't Free
Numerous academic research papers,
journals, and other important materials are virtually inaccessible to someone
seeking to pull them off the web for free. Rather, access is restricted to
expensive subscription accounts, which are typically paid for by college
libraries. Visiting a college library in person or logging in to the library
through your school account, is therefore the only way to affordably access
necessary archived resources.
2.4 The Internet Compliments
Libraries, but Doesn't Replace Them
The internet is clearly a great resource
to finding information, but it's not a replacement for a library. There are
clear advantages of libraries over the internet for research, however the
benefits of the internet, includes "sampling public opinion",
gathering "quick facts" and
pooling a wide range of ideas. Overall, the point is this: libraries are
completely different than the web. In this light, to talk about one replacing
the other begins to seem absurd.
2.5 Libraries Aren't Just Books
Technology is integrating itself into the
library system, not bulldozing it. Pushing this trend to its logical extreme
(although it's likely not to happen), we could eventually see libraries' entire
stacks relegated to databases, and have books only accessible digitally. So
where does that leave librarians? Are they being overtaken by technology, the
timeless enemy of labor?
Technology is integrating itself into the
library system, not bulldozing it. Pushing this trend to its logical extreme
(although it's likely not go this far), we could eventually see libraries'
entire stacks relegated to databases, and only be able to access books
2.6 Mobile Devices are not the
End of Books or Libraries
Predictions of the "end of the book"
are a predictable response to digitization and other technologies, and the
crystal ball of some in the pro-paper crowd seems to also reveal a concomitant
crumbling of civilization. One of the latest dark threats to paper is e-books
downloadable to mobile devices.
But e-books are not an all-consuming
transition for readers. Radio lives on despite TV, film is still in high demand
despite video, people still talk on the telephone despite email. People who
like paper books will continue to read paper books even if mobile downloads
prompt the majority of publishers to release e-books instead of paper. After
all, an immense backlog of printed books will still be accessible to readers.
The presence of the digital library will continue to be extremely important role
for college students in their research, whether it's paper or electronically
2.7 Libraries
can Preserve the Book Experience
Consuming 900 pages on the intellectual
history of Russia is an experience unique to the book. In general, the book provides
a focused, yet comprehensive study that summarizes years of research by an
author or team of authors who have devoted their academic to a particular
subject area.
But, even when the internet does provide
actual content, the information is often snack-sized or the overall experience
cursory a sort of quick-reference browsing. Knowledge can be found, but the
experience of delving into a book for hundreds of pages just doesn't happen
online. The preservation of stacks, therefore, will help preserve access to
this approach to learning and the more traditional form of scholarship can
continue alongside the new.
Society is not ready to abandon the library, and
it probably won't ever be. Libraries can adapt to social and technological
changes, but they can't be replaced. While libraries are distinct from the
internet, librarians are the most suited professionals to guide scholars and
citizens toward a better understanding of how to find valuable information
online. Indeed, a lot of information is online. But a lot is still on paper.
Instead of regarding libraries as obsolete, state and federal governments
should increase funding for improved staffing and technology. Rather than lope
blindly through the digital age, guided only by the corporate interests of web
economics, society should foster a culture of guides and guideposts. Today,
more than ever, libraries and librarians are extremely important for the
preservation and improvement of our culture.
Based on the
above report is the responsibility of me as a librarian to justify the
relevance of the proposed digitalized library.
The role of the
library as well as educate is also responsible for providing a real reading
experience. The books in digital format does not give a true reading experience.
And this leads to the need to switch to digital format is not a good idea.
Moreover, the
book in digital format has many disadvantages versus advantages. This can be
seen with the costs involved in the provision of digital content is high and
there are other needs that also require financial factors to play a role.
However, in
improving libraries in stocking more physical books, there are few
recommendations below that can be follow as the guidelines;
the Library’s collection and improving access to this collection are high
priorities. This requires funding for staffing associated with weeding,
cataloging, and processing and additional funds for materials and shelving
where needed. Additional space will be required to increase the collection and
display materials in bookstore style to promote browsing and circulation. In
addition, more efficient deliveries (including weekend deliveries) among
branches, based on use patterns, will improve accessibility of materials both
from home and each branch and put them into the hands of customers faster.
Innovations in collections management and technology will be leveraged whenever
feasible to improve access for every branch.
Programs and Services
programs and services are enhanced across the library system towards the goal
of building community and supporting literacy and lifelong learning. Special
emphasis is given to programming focused on early childhood learning, the
educational growth of youth, and services that meet the needs of Baby Boomers.
There is greater emphasis on programmatic partnerships with child-care
facilities, senior centers, and Palo Alto Unified School District to meet
defined needs in the schools, in branch libraries, or in other community
Hours of Service
branches provide hours that are convenient to customers’ busy lives, including
more evening and weekend hours. Hours are standardized across the system where
possible to make it easier for people to remember opening and closing times.
Additional staff time will be required for current hours and to augment library
hours of operation. Hours of service could be phased in, in order to reduce the
number of new staff positions.
plays a key role in the delivery of library service and information, including
providing the means to provide service to remote users of the Library. While it
is hard to predict how fast things will change related to online access and
digitized materials the Library should take advantage of innovations in
technology wherever possible to increase accessibility and efficiency, and to
connect the community to the Library. A core focus should be continuing to
build the website as a virtual branch, offering online reference materials,
online registration for library cards and e-commerce, podcast-story times and
other downloadable data, RSS feeds, online workshops and training, reference
assistance by Instant Messaging (IM), and a library blog.
is recommended that the Library undertake a technology planning process to
consider technology innovations that accommodate the future and puts processes
in place to insure that the Library continues to adapt to new technologies as
they become available.
is the most essential component of the public library. Staff develops and
presents the programs and services, evaluates them in light of changing needs,
and assists the public in getting the most out of library resources. Existing
staff will be reorganized, cross-trained, and redeployed to better meet the
changing needs of library customers, such as proactive customer service, new
reference models, technical processing, web-based services, and volunteer
management. To insure libraries, stay current, staff will participate in
development and training including conferences, workshops, safety training, and
updates on essential policies.
However, we all
probably understand that traditional libraries slowly but steadily become the
things of the past. Even now a library is not what it was a couple of decades
ago, let alone fifty years or more. Any big library contains video and audio
materials, access to the Internet and digital texts, utilizes electronic
cataloguing systems and so on. It is only a matter of time before humanity
thinks of an effective way to use digital libraries that would sit well with
both readers and writers. Physical book will sooner or later become a rarity,
for it is inconvenient to use, store and carry about.
It is highly
possible that digital libraries will replace traditional ones in time. But at
the moment this reports were written the idea is still premature thus library
should invest more on physical books rather than the digital format.
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