Prepared for
Charlie Robinson, Director
Baltimore County Public Library
9509 Harford Rd
Parkville, MD 21234, United States
Jeffery Hizwan
Baltimore County Public Library
This report
derives in response to the current trend of libraries that are actively
investing in digital content. Written in the first instance to justify why
libraries should invest more on books rather than digital content, it took
account of the digital library developments, successes, needs, and challenges
perceived by libraries. The terms of digital libraries use in this report is
defining the new technology gathering momentum in publication namely e-books
and e-journals.
The digital
library extends the breadth and scale of scholarly and cultural evidence and
supports innovative research and lifelong learning. To do this, it mediates
between diverse and distributed information re- sources on the one hand and a
changing range of user communities on the other. In this capacity, it
establishes “a digital library service environment” that is, a networked online
information space in which users can discover, locate, acquire access to and,
increasingly, use information. Although access paths will vary depending on the
resource in question, the digital library service environment makes no
distinctions among information formats. Books, journals, paper-based archives,
video, film, and sound recordings are as visible in the digital library service
environment as are online catalogs, finding aids, abstracting and indexing
services, e-journal and e-print services, digitized collections, geographic
information systems, Internet resources, and other “electronic” holdings.
The digital
library service environment is not simply about access to, and use of,
information. It also supports the full range of administrative, business, and
curatorial functions required by the library to manage, ad- minister, monitor
engagement with, and ensure fair use of its collections whether in digital or
non-digital formats, whether located locally or off site. The digital library
service environment integrates (and interfaces with) in- formation repositories
that are characterized by open-access shelving, high- density book stores, and
availability via interlibrary loan, and include data services and digital
archival repositories. It manages information about collections and items
within collections often throughout their entire life cycle. It incorporates
patron, lending, and other databases, and integrates appropriate procedures for
user registration, authentication, authorization, and fee-transaction
processing. The digital library service environment may also evolve into a
networked learning space, providing access to, and a curatorial home for,
distance and lifelong learning materials. The digital library service
environment is, in sum, an electronic information space that supports very
different views and very different uses of the library. This is why libraries
should provide more books rather than investing in new technology namely
digital library.
After a brief
summary of some key findings related to the digital library-definitions of the
digital library are possibly premature and will underrepresent the extent to
which its activities are shaped by local institutional, legal, and business imperatives,
this report will review five reason why libraries should provide more books
rather than invest in new technology such as e-books and e-journals or by
definition the digital library.
There are many
factors to consider when discussing the matter of eBooks vs. printed books, but
ultimately, it boils down to the reader’s preference. Avid fans of printed
books claim that there is still nothing like the smell of paper and the rustle
of the pages as the reader flips gently through the book with their fingers.
There is something intimately rustic about the entire experience, they claim,
and it is one that cannot be derived from the cold, electronic eBooks version.
On the other
hand, those who prefer the eBooks often say that the device takes a whole lot
of weight from their shoulders – literally. Packing for trips is bad enough as
it is, but it becomes doubly so when confronted with the task of choosing which
book to bring. With the eBooks, however, a reader can take hundreds of books
with them on the journey, and only take up a few square inches in their
carry-on bag but they also consider to make sure the device is fully charged or
they will end up with nothing more than a useless device.
Apart from these
physical considerations, however, studies have shown that when it comes to
reading comprehension, printed books are still a better choice. One such study
was recently conducted by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. The
study found that literacy building in children is more effective with a printed
book than with an eBook because of the centralized focus on the story and the
opportunities for interaction between the child and the parent reading the book
with the child. While eBooks also deliver the story, and encourage children to
participate with interactive add-ons, there is no conversation and nothing to
encourage the child to verbalize or explore using language. In fact, the
research concluded that sometimes “click-through” added features can actually
detract from the reading experience because of all the interruptions.
Of course, for
other people – especially adults, who are more able to comprehend the overall
story or meaning in the text – these interactive features such as linking,
bookmarking, highlighting, and others provide a huge benefit and meet many of
their needs. By and large, however, some devices tend to overdo it, and so end
up creating more distractions than necessary.
In keeping and
maintaining digital books like eBooks and eJournals, a very complex and high
tech infrastructure of digital library is needed. The digital library typically
relies on a narrow base of appropriately skilled professionals to keep abreast
of the rapid pace of technical change while maintaining, indeed extending,
robust and fully operational online services and collection. In both respects,
it is stretched beyond capacity with evident deleterious effect. Lacking the
resources to develop core systems components (e.g., search and retrieval tools,
user interfaces and user profiling services, user authentication and
authorization services) that work across individual collections and services,
the digital library adopts a tendency toward a more ad hoc approach that meets
the most pressing demands involving development work. Although viable in the
short term, the strategy threatens severely to undermine a position over which
the library exerts only a tenuous hold-that of the trusted provider of high-
quality information services. Where pure research and development activities
are concerned, the rate and pace of technical change diminishes the time
between the identification of a potentially valuable new technology and its
deployment in a digital library service environment while the risks and costs
associated with any decision to deploy a new technology remain stable or
increase. Accordingly, libraries are investing in more technologies, more
often, and with less information than at any time in the past.
A common
assumption among technology reporters about the costs of "digital libraries"
is that digital is cheaper than paper. This contention is far from established
in fact or in practice. Although many libraries project savings, especially
when substitution strategies are used which replace selected serials titles
with document delivery services, the cost/benefit analysis of making this
switch remains unclear. In some cases, the switch to electronic serials may
save the library money by offsetting the cost to users who must pick up the
charge for document delivery.
When considering
the economics of digital libraries, it can be tempting to focus on financial
factors that are directly related to digital library services, for example the
price of resources and infrastructure. It is important, however, to be aware of
other economic factors. These include the cost of downloading bandwidth-hungry
images and time spent filtering information in an environment where the
signal-to-noise ratio is minuscule. While the authors acknowledge the
importance of these factors it was beyond the scope of this project to
determine their economic impact.
Furthermore, the
costs of "being digital" are substantive ones. Many libraries now
devote significant resources for hardware and software infrastructure. These
expenses will increase-new hardware will be required, more licenses to
software, increased infrastructure administration and training. And these costs
are borne by libraries who only be acquiring digital materials and have limited
electronic services. Those institutions that aspire to the development of
digital collections and services can expect all of the above plus extensive
design, digitization, and implementation costs.
If libraries do
begin to systematically collect digital information on a larger scale, the
provision of effective access could be questionable. In fact, copyright could
end up preventing libraries from providing open access to the digital
information they collect. Questions of copyright must be managed so that
digital information can be created and distributed throughout "digital
libraries" in a manner that is equitable for both information producers
and information consumers. Copyright could become an insurmountable barrier to
the development of digital collections.
There are
indications that content providers unhappy with the protections afforded them
under copyright law, will turn to contract law and licensing for protection.
Libraries are already experiencing the administrative burden of managing site
licenses for electronic information such as CD-ROMs and data files. Licensing
provides content providers with a stronger mechanism to control the
transmission and use of information. This has the effect of moving information
from a realm where ideas are allowed to flow in the public domain, to one where
this flow is controlled by the provider.
The persistence
of digital information remains an essential challenge for digital libraries. A
few are poised to develop limited archival repositories. Their progress may
rely on the emergence of two elements that are currently absent.
First, there is
no widespread agreement about the minimum functional requirements of a digital
archival repository. Such agreement is essential. Without defining what
maintenance entails (and thus the requirements of the repository), libraries
cannot tell suppliers of digital content what is needed to preserve the
information. The suppliers need to agree on the requirements of a repository to
satisfy any demand that libraries may make with regard to that content’s
persistence. Finally, for emerging repositories to be trusted, whether as
suppliers or consumers of digital content, they require a blueprint for the
services they need to offer and a benchmark against which their services can be
measured and validated.
A second element
that is absent from the digital preservation arena is a more realistic
understanding of the value of digital information. The costs of maintaining
digital information over time are unknown but undoubtedly high. The costs of
information loss are likewise unknown, but the potential costs must be
considered. For example, a drug company maintains data generated in the
development of a new product for as long as those data have value to the
company. Such data might be kept as evidence in the case of legal action; the
costs of not preserving the data could be ruinous. In this context,
preservation may be expensive but less so than the alternative.
It would be
difficult for libraries to make similar assessments, given their overwhelming
focus on commercially produced scholarly materials (e.g., journals and
reference services). Moreover, because of the number of subscriptions they
hold, it would be unlikely that any single library or library consortium could
take responsibility for preserving such content over the longer term, nor does
long-term preservation motivate the commercial supplier. And the commercial
supplier’s understanding of “longer term” will understandably be at variance
with that of the library.
Digital information
is, and will be, treated differently than paper-based information. It is likely
that in the near future, the terms of accessibility and the conditions for
management and collection of electronic information will not be determined by
the library profession within the context of traditional library services, but
rather by information professionals working to maximize return on a corporate
information resource.
In the view of
some librarians, a "digital library" should do all the things that
traditional libraries have done for hundreds of years, and play the same
essential role in society that libraries have always played. Physical books are
important to keep the status of libraries as the keeper of the books. And to
ensure the conservation of this occurs, the library must ensure that the book
stocks is always updated and supplemented from time to time. And for this, libraries need to rethink their
acquisitions strategy. Public libraries risk missing the opportunities of
an important trend: the explosion of published books. Back in 1950, there were just 11,022 titles
published. In 2010, 328,259 titles were
brought to market (see Appendix 1). By 2010, however, the situation had
dramatically changed. In 2010, there
were over 300,000 titles published, but the average library could buy only
21,000 of them.
Public libraries
are still pursuing an acquisitions philosophy that is guided by a reality from
the 1950’s. When libraries could buy everything, individual libraries could
curate the entire opus of the publishing industry and help consumers get what
they wanted. The need for libraries to
discover new books was minimal, because everyone knew what the new books were,
and publications like The Library Journal and Publisher’s Weekly could review
most of the important books. The bigger issue was access.
The benefit of
this strategy is that it helped build loyalty to libraries among adult
readers. The problem is that by focusing
on books that patrons already wanted, libraries de-emphasized their important
role in the discovery of new books and more importantly the physical books.
Other than that
libraries should cooperate to discover
great physical books too; as an example, libraries should never
underestimate the potential of Indie books.
Bowker estimates
that over 235,000 books were self-published in 2012 alone. This number is growing quickly and even in
print alone, self-published books accounted for 43% of the total publishing
output in 2011.
Those numbers
are astonishing (harken back to the 11,000 books published in 1950), and their
magnitude explains why physical book users have difficulty finding the next
book to reads. There are a few sites
like Goodreads and Indie Reader that offer alternatives to the untrustworthy
online review, but for the ordinary reader, there is no single source available
to sort the diamonds from the coal.
None of this
requires more work than libraries do today.
Librarians routinely read books just for the purpose of deciding whether
to recommend them to patrons. But the
process is ad hoc: it’s done on a library-by-library or system-by-system
basis. There is no coordination. But such coordination would not be difficult
to arrange, nor would it require a mandate or any significant funding. It would just require a website with a list
of new titles and links accessible only to real people working in real
The benefits of
cooperating to evaluate a meaningful portion of the opus of American publishing
would be tremendous. Libraries are the
most trusted source of book recommendations, as they have no financial interest
in the result of the recommendation. If
libraries start discovering new authors, publishers will pay much keener
attention to them. And this will attract
more readers to visit and read book at library.
Chowdhury, G., & Chowdhury, S.
(2002). Introduction to
digital libraries. Facet publishing.
Greenstein, D. (2000). Digital libraries
and their challenges. Library
trends,49(2), 290-303.
Harrison, B. L. (2000). E-books and the
future of reading. Computer
Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 20(3),
Hillesund, T. (2001). Will E-books change the world? First Monday, 6(10).
Soules, A. (2009). The shifting landscape of e-books. New Library World,110(1/2),
Sinanidou, M. G. (2010). Digital
Libraries and Web Linking. E-Publishing
and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues: Legal and
Organizational Issues, 273.