Sime Darby
Plantation Sdn Bhd is one of the core business units in Sime Darby Berhad.
Their major business activities comprise Plantations, Commodity Trading,
Refining and Food Business with operations in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and
Indonesia. The Company vision is to be a world class agriculture and food
business, which builds value and enhances all stakeholders' interests and the Company
mission is to continuously strengthen their core business through recognizing
their customer requirements, maintaining efficient production, understanding
the market environment and having international presence. Core business
activities include:
Plantations: Responsible for managing
over 80,000 hectares of oil palm estates in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and
Kalimantan, as well as operating 8 mills in these areas to extract CPO.
Marketing activities of CPB' s CPO is handled internally via Commodities Trading
Oils and Fats: Responsible for managing
the edible oil refining and trading operations in Malaysia (Kempas Edible Oil),
Singapore (Sime Darby Edible Products) and Thailand (Morakot Industries).
Food: Responsible for the aeroponics
vegetable farm business in Malaysia, the sale and marketing of vegetable oils
(palm olein, soya bean, olive, etc) and the agri-bio business such as cover
crop seeds, rat baits and oil palm harvesting poles. Other activities include
business development and R&D into non-aeroponic food crops, aquaculture and
processed foods.
Sime Darby is
one of the largest palm oil producers in the world, supplying about 6% of world
supply. The company has a total planted area over 500,000 hectares and a land
bank over 900,000 hectares. About two-thirds of the Sime Darby's palm oil
production comes from Malaysia, and one-third from Indonesia. The company's
recently developed estates in Liberia were not yet in production as of 2012.
The diamond
model is an economic model developed by Michael Porter in his book The Competitive
Advantage of Nations, where he published his theory of why particular
industries become competitive in particular locations. Afterwards, this model
has been expanded by other scholars.
The Diamond
Model demonstrates that countries can become competitive regardless of whether
they possess natural factor endowments such as land and natural resources. In
the Diamond Model, the role of government is to encourage and push
organizations and companies to a more competitive level, thereby increasing
performance and ultimately the total combined benefit.
There are four
attributes or components that shape a notion’s environment in which firms
compete. For this chapter we are going to use this model to determine the
competitiveness of Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd in Malaysia market.
Many studies
have assessed the competitiveness of Malaysian commodity exports, namely palm
oil, cocoa and rubber (Md Nasir, Mohd Ghazali, Othman, 1993). There are a vast
literature measuring and evaluating the competitiveness of firm, industry and
also country. Michael Porter’s concept of the four determinants of national
advantage is one of the profound frameworks that have been widely used to
examine a country’s competitive advantage (Porter, 1990). The first determinant
relates to a country’s competitiveness to firm strategy, structure and rivalry.
The second and third determinants relate to factors and demand condition to
competitiveness. The last determinant is related to supporting industry
category. These four determinants represent the corners of Porter’s “diamond”
of national competitive advantage (Fatimah and Alias, 1992).
Figure 1 is
illustrating the model which are attribute to four components that known as:
Figure 1: Determinants of national competitive
Source: The Competitive Advantage of Nations by Michael E. Porter
Source: The Competitive Advantage of Nations by Michael E. Porter
a) Factors Conditions
condition refer to the nation’s position in terms of the presence of the
factors of production. Factors may be naturally endowed (called basic factors)
such as natural resources, climate, location and demographics, or advanced
factors such as communication infrastructure, skilled labor, research
facilities and technology. Advance factors, which are a product of investment
by individuals, companies or governments, are the most significant for
competitive advantage.
b) Demand Conditions
refers to the role of domestic demand for Sime Darby Plantation in building
competitive advantage. The sophisticated and demanding domestics consumers
would pressure local firms to produce innovative and high standards of product
quality, thus shaping the attributes of domestically made products.
c) Related and Supporting Industries
third attribute of a country’s competitive advantage is the presence of
internationally competitive suppliers or related industries. Suppliers will
compete to produce lower priced higher quality products and technology
innovations to meet the needs of the particular industry. Thus, Sime Darby
Plantations which is located close to suppliers will enjoy better exchange of
ideas and inventions to save costs.
d) Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry
domestics environments in which firms compete shape their ability to compete in
international markets. Firstly, different nations are characterized by
different management ideologies, which either help them or do not help them to
build competitive advantage.
strong domestic competition pushes Sime Darby Plantation to look for ways to
improve efficiency, which makes them better international competitors. They are
pressured to innovate, improve quality, reduce costs and invest in upgrading
advanced factors.
Porter’s Theory
combines the findings of previous theories and argues that the presence and
interactions of all four components is usually required to boost competitive
performance. Governments also influence each of the four components, such as
providing subsidies for factors, setting product standards for consumer goods,
regulate suppliers and competition.
AFTA is a trade
agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in supporting local
manufacturing in all 10 ASEAN countries, which are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,
Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. AFTA is
created to enhance ASEAN's competitiveness as a production base in the world
markets by constructing a free trade area among member countries and attract
foreign investors to invest in ASEAN country. This objective can be done by
abolish the non-tariff barriers, reduce intra-ASEAN tariffs and limit the
imports quantity (SEACON, n.d.). Imported goods will be taxes on reduce tariff
to 0% to 5%.
Due to the
reduction of intra-ASEAN tariffs, the ASEAN countries tend to trade and import
more among members. Decreasing of tariff causes the import to increase. AFTA
indirectly causes an unfavorable effect on the competitiveness of traditional
export industries. This poses a big challenge and reduces the competitiveness
of local companies, Sime Darby. This is because the goods are cheaper now due
to the lower rate of tax on the imported raw materials.
In order to
protect Sime Darby automobile competitiveness against imported product, Sime
Darby Tyre Group (SDTG) set up a tyre join venture with Continental AG of
Germany into a new company call SDC Tyre Sdn. Bhd in January 2002. This action
causes Sime Darby to give 30% of share to Continental because of the initially
investment 31 million USD to enhance the R&D facilities and production. SDC
Tyres appear to be more efficient, lower cost and using advance technology of
Continental to maintain their competitiveness and continue to have a leading
position in local market. The Sime Darby's profit generated from automobile
sector is decreased from RM 257.8 million in 2003 to RM 204 million in 2004.
However, there is a continuous profit increased for year 2005 with RM 300
million to RM 360 million in year 2006 (Sime Darby annual report, 2006).
On the other
hand, AFTA also affect the plantation sector. After the tariff reduction,
Malaysia palm oil price is still much more expensive than other palm oil
exporter countries such as Indonesia and Thailand. This proved that free trade
caused the domestic palm oil price increase. This makes Malaysia palm oil
market share forecasted a loss of approximately 46 million USD as Malaysia is
the largest producer in the world. Plantation sector is the main revenue of
Sime Darby. Since the palm oil market forecast a huge loss, Sime Darby will be
affected. As shown in Annual report (2004, 2006), there is a drastically drop
of profit in plantation sector from RM 285.1 million in year 2004 to RM 272.8
million in year 2005 followed by RM 249.8 million in year 2006.
Today in Malaysia,
the AFTA currently pursued with selected countries are not limited to
liberalization and market opening measurement only. They are comprehensive and
included investment, trade facilitation and intellectual property rights (IPR)
as well as economic cooperation in several areas such as (MITI, 2011):
the competition policy
the standards and conformity assessment
the information and communication technology
the science and technology
the education and training
the research and development
the financial cooperation and
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development
The main
objective of AFTA negotiating are to; i) obtain better market access by
addressing tariff and non-tariff measures, ii) further facilitate and promote
trade, investment and economic development, iii) enhance the competitiveness of
Malaysian exporters and iv) build capacity in specific targeted areas through
technical cooperation and collaboration.
The foreign
exchange risks are generally category into three types of risk that faced by
Sime Darby such as transaction risk, economic risk and accounting or
translation risk. Firstly, transaction risk is a risk that associated with
foreign currency denominated transactions that have already been contracted. Generally,
Sime Darby enters a contractual obligation, the receipt or payment of which is
predict on a future date. During that time, it will reveal the company to
transaction risk if occur differ in the foreign exchange rate. As Maurice
(2005) once said, transactions risks can get more attention from the financial
manager in MNCs and also easier to identified. If Sime Darby is expecting a
payment from the Liberia’s subsidiary in January and the invoice was made in
June, the exchange rate is cocksure to have changed on that period. In recent
exchange rate, 1 Liberian dollar (LRD) is equals to 0.0343788 Malaysia Ringgit
(MYR). Based on the graph (Appendices), the exchange rate between Liberian
dollar and Malaysia Ringgit is significantly decreasing within a month. The
time lag extends between settlement and implication will increase the
transaction risk. For example, there is a 5 days’ lag between implication and
settlement. Sime Darby is collecting payment in LRD which they need repatriate
into their local currency, MYR. Thus, the LRD-MYR exchange rate will
unfavorably fluctuate during this 5-days lag.
Other than that,
economic risk also is other category of exchange rate which results from the
dealing of a global company into a foreign market. This is a direct outcome of
the rate fluctuates for the MNCs as well as by product of the movement rate in
foreign currencies. However, the economic risk always an indirect outcome for
local companies. The variable that most affected the operating performance of MNCs
such as price, financing and marketing cost, and unit sold or total profit as
well as any variable costs. As Fernando (2011) once said, as the cash flows are
related to the risk are not certain to occur, the economic risk will be hard to
determine and influence of the long-term exchange rate movements on a future
expected cash flows of the company.
Exchange rate fluctuate are bound to influence the prices on exports and
imports as well as to affect the company’s competitiveness. Also, instability
economic may affects Sime Darby on the market value and also the competitive
position on a global company.
Below the
diagram show that the two path ways of economic risk:-
As we know that,
there are lots of benefits when multinational corporation going globally. Many
multinational firms try to diversify their risk and reduce materials costs by
having subsidiary in many countries or regions. However, at the same time the
firm will encounter with different risk for instances, foreign exchange rate
risk and economic risk especially interest rate risk because fluctuation of
interest rate will directly impact on other rate like exchange rate. All these
risks are not controllable by the firm thus the firm must be able to manage
those risk. In case one of the risks above occurred, it will greatly impact the
cash flow of firm. Thus corporation should have some risk reduction techniques
or instruments to minimize the risk that expose on it.
For instances,
when the corporation predicted that the future prices of securities will be
increase, it can purchase future or forward contract to gain benefits on seller
of securities. Furthermore, swap also is a good financial instrument to reduce
the foreign exchange rate risk. Both companies can exchange the currency with
predetermined exchange rate thus win-win situation could be achieved. As a
conclusion, when Sime Darby intends to invest in a particular country, it must
survey the business environment of that country and able to take that risk before
making investment decision.
Nasir, S., Ghazali, M., Fatimah M. A (1993); Competitiveness of Cocoa Exports
Mohd Hj. Alias,
Fatimah Mohd Arshad, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, (1992). Market share analysis of Malaysia’s Palm Oil Exports: Implication on
its Competitiveness; Journal of Economic Malaysia, Vol. 26, pp 3-20.
Maurice. D. Levi. (2005). International
Finance. 4th ed. New York: Psychology Press
Sime Darby (2014)
Sime Darby History [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www.simedarby.com/History [Accessed 30 September 2015].
Sime Darby (2014)
Sime Darby Corporate structure and information [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www.simedarby.com/corporate_structure_and_information
[Accessed 30 September 2015].
Source: Colmill.com